Since 2010, I have recorded hundreds of videos and audios. Each week I share brand new ideas, concepts, case studies, and strategies that you can execute in your business today. Subscribe today so you don't miss out.

How Financial Advisors Can Massively Improve Their “Selling” Skills Jul 26, 2024

Hello and welcome to The Magellan Network Show. I understand the title mentions "selling," but today we'll focus on being super effective with prospects. Regardless of how you get referred to them—through COI, other marketing, seminars, or various platforms—I'll share my observations...

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Why Don't Advisors Drive More Referrals From Their Clients and What To Do About It? Jul 19, 2024

Hi everyone, and welcome to The Magellan Network Show. Here we are in mid-July 2024, with the heat bearing down on most of the country. It's been a while since we've discussed this, so I wanted to take some time today to talk about referrals and introductions. 

When speaking to advisors, I...

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Welcome to The 2nd Half of 2024! Jul 12, 2024

Hello and welcome to The Magellan Network Show. I hope each of you enjoyed a fantastic Fourth of July holiday! As we enter the second half of 2024, it's a great time to look back on our progress and plan for the rest of the year.

In this episode, I want to share some important patterns I've...

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Is The Rush to Win Killing Your Joy & Fulfillment? Jun 28, 2024

Hello and welcome to The Magellan Network Show. With July just a few days away, we're about to enter the second half of 2024. In this week's episode, I want to have a check-in conversation about timelines.

In my 30 years of experience working with advisors and other businesspeople, including...

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Why It Pays To Be The Best Jun 21, 2024

Hello and welcome to The Magellan Network Show. June is flying by, and with the second half of the year approaching, I want to have a conversation about the difference between being the best and being the biggest in our profession.

For many years, I was obsessed with making my coaching firm the...

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The Difference Between Focusing On Impact and Focusing on Money Jun 14, 2024

Hi everyone, and welcome to The Magellan Network Show. In my experience working with advisors, I've noticed that those who neglect client relationships often lack meaning and fulfillment in their work.

When advisors start, making money is essential for survival. However, if you prioritize...

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Do Financial Advisors Use Too Much Information & Not Enough Emotion When Persuading Clients & Prospects? Jun 07, 2024

Hello and welcome to The Magellan Network Show. Today, I'd like to share a story highlighting a key observation: Are we over-relying on information and analytics while underestimating the power of emotion and influence in our communication?

One of my clients recently held a white glove seminar,...

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Strategies For Financial Advisors To Make The Most Out of Their Summer of 2024 May 31, 2024

Hi everyone, and welcome to The Magellan Network Show. With Memorial Day marking the start of period two (from Memorial Day to Labor Day) in the U.S., I want to discuss how to optimize your summer game plan as a financial advisor and strategize for the season.

As a coach, I've noticed many...

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