

I have coached & consulted with over 2,500 practices in my nearly 30-year career, resulting in over $50B of AUM, and over $500M additional revenue. I Partner With Financial Advisors To Optimize & Grow Their Practices

(go watch the videos on the testimonial page).

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Here is what I love doing for advisors and

What I Can Do For Your FA Organization:

Strategic Business Planning  (Creating a 10-Year Vision For Your FA's and Their Business)

Personally Coach Your Advisors Each Morning Via Video On Mindset, Practice Management, Selling & Influence, and Business Development.

Coaching Your Coaching Leadership Team.  I will collaborate closely with your internal coach (head of practice management), to leverage my 30 years of working directly with FA's

Influence and Coaching Training For Your FAs Train your FAs to influence, persuade, and coach their prospects and clients to say yes to their recommendations. 

Small-Group MasterMinds Virtual or Live. Gathering your top 8-12 FAs to collaborate and share best practices. I will lead and facilitate along with adding my insights gather in my 30-year career. 

Hosting My Annual 3-day Strategic Business Planning Retreat Leading, Coaching, and Training My Magellan MasterMind & Network Members

Here are some of my

Coaching Career Highlights:


My first financial advisor-client was signed in 1994


Wrote the book “Practice Power, 12 Steps to Take Your Business to the Next Level


I have several clients who have been with me for over 25 years


My average personal client is with me over 13 years


I am the only coach who hosts a live 3-day Strategic Planning Retreat


I was named one the industryʼs top troubleshooters by Registered Rep Magazine in 2000


I give away hundreds of hours of coaching content via Magellan Academy


In 2009 I was again named one of the top coaches by Registered Rep and Wealth Management


2012 I have a YouTube Channel with over 1500 coaching video for financial advisors


The Magellan Network Podcast has over 250 episodes and growing


Created Magellan MasterMind in 2012


Created Magellan Network in 2018

Some Personal Information

I was born in Perth Amboy NJ in 1964 My family was in the bar/restaurant business starting in 1920 I grew-up working in the family business starting at 9 years old My family was lower middle class and money was always an issue I was a below-average student and socially awkward. My first personal development book I read was “Think & Grow Rich” at 17. I started my first business at 17 because I did not want the life of my father I have been an entrepreneur all my life

I went to work with Tony Robbins Organization in 1991 in New York City (Commission Only) I met my business/life partner Marisa in 1993 got engaged in 10 days and have been married 25 years I have three young adult children (Joey, Kate, Michael) We moved from Bridgewater NJ to Melbourne FL in 2000 I love cooking, wine, landscaping, and architecture We have 3 dogs (German Shepherds and a Chocolate Lab rescue). We have 4 cats I never plan to retire I love what I do and I do it 24/7/365

My Current Mindset/MYOS

I am A Giver - Athlete - Grateful - Loyal - At Peace - Endless Emotional Energy - Care Deeply About People - Always Adding Value - Leader of People - Family Man - Best Friend to Marisa - Powerful - Fearless - Make Shit Happen - Live an Uncomfortable Life - Life Coach to My Kids - Friend, Fiduciary, and Coach to My Clients. Grateful But Never Satisfied.

Life is… A True Gift - To Be Cherished - An Opportunity for Greatness - A Box of Chocolates - To Be Enjoyed - Too Short - An Adventure - To Be Lived  - No Stress = No Life

 People are… Interesting - Simple Yet Complicated - Mostly Unconscious - In Need of My Help - Mostly Good - Never Let The Bad 5% Influence You - Why I am Here!

Business is… A Game That I Win - A Test of My Emotional State - Only a Part of My Life - Always Evolving Therefore I Must Always Evolve - Always Abundant - A Reflection of MYOS - So Much Opportunity

What is important to me

(My Values)

My Relationship With Myself - My Relationship With My Higher Power - My Relationship With Marisa - My Relationship With My Adult Kids - My Relationship With My Clients Freedom - Success - Abundance - Staying Uncomfortable - Fitness/Energy - Always Learning - Personal Integrity My 10x Identity A Business Leader - Successful - Healthy - Vibrant - Athlete - In Shape - A Man Who Makes Shit Happen - Congruent - Confident - High Energy I get after it.