How to Level-Up Your Game

Jul 23, 2021

Hello everyone, hope you're all enjoying your summer. I just came back from my mid-year break and there’s one random thought that occurred to me while on vacation and I'd like to share it with you in this episode.

What's really important when you're running an advisory practice? How do you measure where you are in terms of KPIs?

Most advisors would say it's all about the assets or number of households. But I find that these are wrong things to focus on. In this episode, I share the 2 most important KPIs that makeup 80% of the game. I also talked about:

- Why do advisors focus on the wrong things?
- What are the 2 most important KPIs
- Why more doesn't always mean better
- The important questions you need to ask yourself
- The red flags you should be on the lookout for
- The two types of advisors who play in this game
- Preparation vs. Manifesting negative thoughts

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